5 Practical Tips to Help You Plan Your Immigration


5 Practical Tips to Help You Plan Your Immigration 1024x683 1

Planning an immigration is a paramount step. And no matter how concrete your immigration plan might be, there’d be inadequacies. So, before we start listing down what we’ve promised you in the topic, here is our tip number zero for you: Accept that there’d be flaws in the plan you are busily generating.

Remember and convert into English, the first part of what chilled-DeepikaPadukone says to an anxious-Ranbir Kapoor while sitting on a rock and starring the ‘solid sunset,’ in the movieYehJawaani Hai Deewani, “No matter how hard you try in your life, there’d be always some or the other thing that’d be left out.”

Now that we are done with the most important tip on immigration planning i.e. tip zero. Let’s start with the first one from the remaining five.

  • Understanding health status
  • Preparinga file that contains all the visa-related documents 
  • Other than the confirmative document that you’ve received from an institution present in the country that you are migrating to, which other to commence from? So, depending on what applies to your type of immigration, and the country of migration, include:

  • Tuition Fee receipt
  • GIC Certificate
  • Confirmation
  • LOA or
  • Offer letter
  • Original certificates replicating your academic status.
  • Identity cards such as: Pan card, Aadhar card, Passport.
  • Passport size photographs
  • Approval Letter

  • Finalizing all necessary travel arrangements
  • Obtaining pre-immigration medical examinations
  • Gathering maximum information about the locality of the country that you are immigrating to
Picture of Mr. Nigam Shah

Mr. Nigam Shah

Mr. Nigam Shah

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