Best 5 ways to get PR in Canada: Canada PR Visa Types- PNP | FSW | Express Entry


Best 5 ways to get PR in Canada Canada PR Visa Types PNP FSW Express Entry 1024x1024 1

Several professionals regard moving to and working in Canada as one of their preferred destinations. Canada has been actively granting talented workers permanent residency since 2014. Although Canada offers more than 60 different types of visas, the top 5 categories for professionals to apply for in 2023 are shown below.

  1. The Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSW)

The Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) programme allows skilled foreign workers to obtain permanent residence in Canada. The candidates must receive the required minimum number of eligibility points in order to be considered for this programme.

2. Provincial Nominee program (PNP)

Several provinces in Canada offer sponsorship to talented immigrants so they can move to the area, live there, and work there.

They can submit an application for a permanent visa with Canadian immigration three years after receiving the nomination. Some provinces are fairly simple to enter. These provinces give skilled immigrants of all kinds access to rewarding employment.

  1. Quebec Skilled Worker Visa

Professionals who want to live in Quebec must go through a particular process to obtain their permanent status in Canada. The applicants must submit an application for the Regular Skilled Worker Program, also known as the Québec Experience Program (QEP) or Quebec Skilled Worker Program (QSWP), which is run by the Quebec government.

Under this scheme, qualified candidates from abroad may immigrate to Quebec. A selection grid of criteria is used to evaluate skilled workers. The candidate will receive a Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ), which aids in their application for permanent residence in Canada, after earning the necessary points.

The applicant must be able to read, write, speak, and understand French in order to be considered for this programme.

  1. Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program

The Atlantic Immigration Pilot programme was launched as a result of a collaboration between Canada\’s four Atlantic provinces.

These are the 4 Atlantic provinces:

  • North America
  • Brunswick, New
  • Labrador and Newfoundland
  • Isle of Prince Edward

With the help of this initiative, businesses in the aforementioned four provinces can hire talented immigrants and address employment gaps in their local communities. It is an employer-driven initiative where suitable candidates are given jobs by the firm. After that, you and your family will be offered a settlement plan to move into that neighbourhood.

  1. Northern and Rural Immigration Pilot (RNIP)

The community-driven approach aims to expand the positive economic effects of immigration to a smaller community.

Immigrants are welcome to live and work in the towns that are a member of this permanent residency programme.

There will be designated employers in each participating community who will hire the qualified workers from those localities.

The applicant can submit a permanent residency application for Canada if they have fulfilled the community\’s requirements and received a work offer from their prospective company.

There are various provincial settlements or small towns, including:

  • Ontario(OINP)
  • Manitoba(MINP)
  • Saskatchewan (SINP)
  • British Columbia and Alberta(BCINP)

The best guide who can help you with this question is your Canada PR visa consultant. Irrespective of whether you are looking for a dependent visa, student visa, visitor visa, or any other services like Online IELTS coaching, a best Canada immigration visa consultant can give you proper information based on experience.

You can discuss with them the country for which you are looking to get a visa. In case you are based in Ahmedabad or Surat, search online using Top Canada Immigration visa consultant in Ahmedabad, or Top Canada visa consultant in Surat, respectively. This will help you get suggestions for visa applcation in the mean time read more about the Canada PR News

Picture of Mr. Nigam Shah

Mr. Nigam Shah

Mr. Nigam Shah

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