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Check The Point Why People Hire Canada Immigration Visa Consultant

Why you hire Canada Immigration visa consultant

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If you are applying for Canada, always hire best overseas consultants in Ahmedabad for filing the application. Best experts can help you get the desired results. But before you opt-out and apply for a student visa to Canada, there are a few things to consider.

Reasons Why You Must Hire the Best Immigration Consultant

  1. Guidance in Visa Selection

Every visa category is different. You may be eligible even for more than 2 programs at once. It may be difficult for you to make the best choice. Here the role of a PR consultant becomes significant.
An immigration consultant or a PR consultant helps you. To understand which visa program is best for you. Based on your profile and its demand in Canada.

He/she also helps you understand your accurate score. Which otherwise is difficult with the help of free online assessment forms.

     2. Understanding & Resolving Complex Issues

The first stage of a Canada visa (after eligibility check) is Educational Credential Assessment. At this stage, most candidates get stuck because of the sealed transcripts requirements.

Though there is nothing complicated about this stage. But getting help from a PR consultant will save you time. Which otherwise you would consume in understanding the procedure.

Similarly, during issues where GCkey is revoked, or your NOC is not correct. A consultant may help you with the best possible solutions.

    3. Well-Prepared & Well-Presented Applications

Your application needs to be well-presented. To be considered by both the Canadian immigration authorities and Canadian employers. Those who are seeking candidates in the Express Entry pool.

Immigration consultants are experts in preparing visa applications in a professionally acceptable manner. This adds to another reason why you need them by your side. They can be very helpful during your Canada immigration process.

    4. Verified Documentation & Process

Do you know that even one mismatch of documents and details can stop you from going to Canada forever?

There are times when the Canadian authorities may declare you as a fraud. If they find that your documents are not relating to the information you shared.

A Canada immigration consultant will help in verifying your documents. Before submission by a trusted and expert agent.

   5. Up-to-Date About Laws & Efficient Follow-Ups

After you submit your application, there may be clear two-way communication. This is required between the applicant and immigration authorities.

PR visa consultants can act as a representative of your application. They can ensure that communication is done smoothly.

Additionally, if any changes in immigration law or procedures occur. PR visa consultants will keep you updated about the same.

   6. Suggest Alternative Options (When Required)

Despite meeting all the eligibility requirements. And submitting the application in the best manner. You may not be lucky to meet visa success.

In such a scenario, immigration consultants aid your hopes with alternative options.

Consultants suggest your options. That helps you migrate to Canada through other visa programs. Or by increasing the scope of the current visa process.

7. Every Detail is Considered

An important factor in Canada immigration applications that most of the clients miss. Is changing details as per situations in life.

If you get married or change your job, or have a new kid, etc. must be timely updated in your application. We ensure to do this on your behalf, once you update us.

Consultants can explain to you the process. They are keen on letting you know every minute detail of the process. So that it does not arise as an obstacle in the future.







Picture of Mr. Nigam Shah

Mr. Nigam Shah

Mr. Nigam Shah

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